The Best Firewood in Boston
Kiln dried firewood vs. Seasoned Firewood
Comparing kiln-dried firewood and seasoned firewood is how our customers decide what is the best firewood for them. We have the best firewood in Boston if the following is true,
- You want quality
Evening by fireplace time to relax
- Wood ready to burn NOW
- Quantity selection
- Stacking service is available at an additional charge
- Low moisture content
- No bugs
- Easy to light, Burns Bright
- You Want Good Firewood
- We store our wood in a heated garage - let us know if you find someone else who does that.
We provide all of the features above, which equals the best firewood in Boston.
If large quantities of wood are needed for home heating, the decision probably tilts toward seasoned firewood purchased way in advance, and we respect that decision. It makes sense; a different company would be the one to contact since all we provide is kiln-dried. It is a different business model than what we do.
We only sell Kiln Dried Firewood.
Brand Consistency is the reason we do not sell seasoned or semi-seasoned firewood. To the untrained eye, all three products look the same. We have been approached many times to sell these other types of wood. We could sell this other moisture-content firewood but not guarantee the product. Months after a purchase is made, the customer may not remember the lower cost of the wood and the higher moisture content and be mad at us for smoky sputtering wood. So we just do not do it. It is easier to keep things simple.
Why we feel our wood is best
All the factors listed above give you the start to the picture. However, what it does not communicate is the attitude of the company and how we do business. Year-round full-time focus on good burning firewood is what we do. We work very hard to keep from running out and keep increasing our capacity. Then we back it up with our money-back firewood guarantee. Who in Boston backs their offer with that? This is putting our money where your mouth is.
Companies that generate cut wood convert it to firewood to eliminate disposal costs and convert the wood to firewood that they have to do before the next season, or they will get jammed up for space. They are tree services, nurseries, mulch suppliers, landscapers, and land clearing companies with the wood as a necessary evil, not their focus. These companies may not have alternative outlets for the wood. We only get good wood for burning. It is dried and selected just for that purpose.
Lots to choose from boosts our quality
large stock piles of wood stored inside out of the weatherAll our firewood comes from trees harvested and supervised by professional foresters to protect the environment and promote regrowth. Almost all of the woods in New England have been deforested in the past. Now, you would hardly know it, which shows how this is a renewable resource and is now managed for sustainability. The change from a wood-fired rail to marine fuel removed the pressure on the forests. In the selective cutting and thinning, the logs are best for firewood. They are pulled out of the total flow of wood to be processed for firewood. The wood is selected for the highest value and best use. The cut logs are sorted by the right hardwood species, size, and quality to get only the best to process for firewood. They then go to be stockpiled at the wood processor to be cut for firewood before drying.
Firewood Processing
A big part of getting a fair measure of wood is consistently cutting the wood to the correct length of 16". An inch off each piece of wood in a cord can reduce the wood volume by three percent and is not fair to the customer. The whole issue of measuring wood accurately happens in the flow of wood from the forest to the fireplace. We do the final sorting of the wood when it reaches us to ensure it is the right length.
Clean Wood Handling
Bins of wood cooling off from being in the kilnFrom the firewood processor forward, the wood is kept up off the ground and under cover so it stays clean, dry, and away from dirt and mud. After being cut to size, the wood is loaded by conveyor into metal bins with legs on them, and the bins can be stacked. The working area is all paved also to help keep things clean. An interesting little-known fact is that human hands never touch the wood directly. It is all done with hydraulics every step of the way till we sort it. It is amazing what it would take if the equipment were not available. Bringing wood that has been split into the house and then exposed to mud and bugs into the customers' homes transfers the contamination into the customers' homes. Our wood is kept clean to prevent this worry.
Kiln Drying of Firewood
Loading the kilnPassing wood through a kiln does not make for high-quality firewood. Our wood in the kiln has a sensor buried inside sample logs communicating with the control room to monitor temperature and moisture, ensuring the wood is dried like you would check a turkey cooking with a thermometer to cook it right. Airflow around the wood is controlled in multiple directions to facilitate drying, removing the dense fog created and the sap flowing across the bottom of the kiln from the wood. The floor is fitted with drains to pull the water out. Until you see how much water comes running out of a loaded kiln, it proves that tons of water is, in fact, in the wood. For those who have not seen a kiln up close, it is a big oversized oven that holds a lot of wood. Some run on wood waste, others run on propane, but both dry the wood so it burns well. When drying is complete, it is stockpiled for delivery.
After the kiln
The wood is stored undercover to keep any rain or snow off it since so much effort is put into drying it. Next, it comes to use and gets stored in our heated garage for storage before the firewood concierge has the firewood boy deliver it to you. Part of our quality in the product is how we go about getting wood for people in the Boston area and making sure it is correct.
Random Sampling
We go through the wood periodically with a moisture meter to ensure it is as dry as possible. There is rarely a problem. We test the wood externally and by splitting pieces to check the internal moisture content. The whole effort is to keep the wood the best possible firewood in Boston. Call Paul at 781-254-2773, and as someone used to say, "Try it, and you will like it." Then we add our guarantee.